Wednesday, August 27, 2014

5 Minute Questions

What kind of questions will I come up with for this blog?

What kind of videos will I be making for this class?

No matter what the assignment will I get the freedom to do whatever I want with the projects?

How much will I collaborate with the other students in class?

Last night I didn’t get much sleep, will I get enough sleep each night?

Whats the deal with hypothetical questions?

Is live music better than studio music? I already know my answer…depends

How will I react to my own poor work in this class? (if it is poor work)

How encouraging will I be towards other students?

How come I’m not sleeping right now? I’m really sleep deprived...

When will I start work with cameras?

How much fun will I allow in my videos?

Is it okay to just be as free as possible with me work and let the analyzing be done by everyone else?